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Did you know that SpotOption is also involved in the STOX scam that includes Floyd Mayweather, now in the U.S. the SEC is going to be investigating him for fraud, his backroom dealings with these Israeli brokers like Israeli binary options broker Anyoption who owns after buying them out to appear legit. SpotOptions owners were all over the STOX ICO dump and next they will share in the upcoming SpotChain ICO. Know these are Israeli binary options scammers in the crypto world now looking to defraud once again all blockchain supporters. Bitconnect is part of their MO and has the binary options scam footprint all over it! Connect the dots people, REMEMBER FRED!
Seems the FBI will be coming for the owners of Spotoption next, as they listed throughout this time of israel article and being contacted by them! Finally America does the right thing to end this “Financial Terrorism”
Justice for FRED!